In this weeks episode, Han is joined by Abbie Young, the communication coordinator from Taste Life UK. Taste Life UK is a midlands based charity, providing tools for recovery for those who struggle with eating disorders and for their supporters, including training and courses.
In this weeks episode, we discuss the support that Taste Life UK provides, including their courses and training. Taste Life UK provide training which is fully accredited by the University of Brighton Health Sciences REQ mark (Recognised Educational Quality) for anyone of a caring and compassionate nature. This training is then used to run courses for those with, or supporting someone with, an eating disorder.
A new course that Taste Life UK is running is Mens Track, a male only Taste Life UK course. As a result, we discuss male eating disorders, the further support needed, and the importance of male only support groups.
You can more information about Taste Life UK here:
Taste Life UK desperately need more course leaders, especially male leaders, so if you are interested please follow the link below to find out more:
Finally, if you would like to sign up to attend a course ran by Taste Life UK, you can find information here:
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